Rory Brooke

Rory Brooke 

Statement for the Aborealists 

In my work I illustrate underlying issues and context in society while also seeking original ways to look at composition and colour. I am particularly interested in climate change, the environment, development and our urban and rural landscapes and how these things interact. Trees are often an element of my pictures, exploring their organic forms and contrasts with more geometric shapes of the man-made world. I draw inspiration from local scenes including exploring London’s waterways. Most of my work is screenprint or linocut. 

I am the founder member and first chair of East London Printmakers. I was inspired by Birmingham Print Workshop and sought out fellow printmaker artists in East London with a common interest in promoting printmaking and developing resources for artists and the community to use. I have exhibited in group and solo shows in locations including London, Birmingham, Bristol and Cardiff. 

I would like to join the Aborealists because I like the group’s range of work and would welcome further opportunities to exhibit and work with the group. I am keen to learn from and explore art with its members and to collectively promote our work. I would like to bring my energy, commitment, ideas and perspective to the group.